Thursday, December 25, 2008

I'm having a good stuff overload!
My mom got me catcher in the rye because I can never find it in paperback!
and a cake turntable, johnny cupcakes stuff, and some peace earrings. :p

My neighbors got me this cute apron with my initials on it!

Poor Tony got into a car accident though. :[

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I made a bunch of heart shaped poptarts for the guys at work today.
Even though not many people were there. :p

Me and Ellie opened our presents tonight, I hope he liked the art I got him :]
He got me Courpse Grinders! & the whole box set!
I've been trying to find it forevvverr!
and he got me some Olive TOMS.
He's the best! :]
It's been a good night.
Just at the house with the boys and DOG... Watching Hell Ride, we had some tamales!

I'm loving this new Macbook. <3!

Looking forward to seeing my cousins and going to dinner with
Amanda and Kyl :]
This New Year is gonna kick butt... :D

Monday, December 22, 2008


Went to Bethany's sweet holiday get-together!
I love that we can still hang out even though some of us have moved away and changed a lot.
Got to see Scott, which was nice, I miss that booger.
I need to call him soon. :]

I need to get my cousins something cool for x-mas.
Christmas is whack...

Friday, December 19, 2008


Sometimes, I still feel guilty for not being more patient with her.
She was old and crazy, and I was young and busy.
I miss trying out new recipes on her, and surprising her with cookies...
I should have been more understanding when she accused me of dumb things and "told on me" for stealing things. Like 2 dollars or her bra stuffers.

Though her crazies did make for some family giggle-fits and great stories. Like the time we tried to take her on a family vacation. The place we wound up staying had carpet just like her old condo and she thought we were living there. She was planning on moving out about 30 minutes into our stay. The altitude made her brain work funny.

I guess I just still feel guilty because I didn't appreciate her when she appreciated me.
Somedays she loved me for taking care of her. Others, she hated me for not letting her drive.
But really, I should have said goodbye. Or at least been in-town when it went down.

I'm just thinking about it because today I bought a new laptop with the money she left me, and it's wrapped under the tree. Thank you grandma Marion. <3

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Me and Elliott went to Cornish Pasty with my 'rents tonight. 
My mom and I always end up talking work or silly work gossip though.
The only sweet thing about work is seeing Otto's goofy ass, and I'm pretty sure he lives on coffee and slim Jims. 
Anyway, I don't think I'm gonna go tommorrow, time to get Harr to check out my exhaust leak on my car... If he's still around. eeeiii.

But, I got to check out a store I've always wanted to!
I got some sweet boots and a lacy long skirt!
Made 2+ dozen cookies.
I'm alll diiiirty. I need to remember to wear an apron!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Been working a lot lately. At least 10+ hour daily, and they want me to come in on the weekend.
Maybe... but that's the only time I ever have to do my laundry, and bake, and go to the grocery.
I have a belly ache from the super sweet vegan pop tarts I made. Yikes!

We got to go to Green!
Good thing, because now I know Nofx is coming on the 31st! :]

And I'm gonna nerd out and go to the Aquabats this weekend, because... I deserve it!
I cant even remember what the last show I went to was. I remember the last one I tried to go to... :[ It was Islands, and I couldn't go because Jake was there. Such a sad, terrible day in my world.

I'm so excited! My mom got me the Johnny Cupcakes windbreaker that I wanted sososososo much! :]

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Gypsy's at my parents house huddled in my bathtub...

Stupid apartment upgrades.
Poor keeety.

I made Irish Cream Fudge today.
and I bough a purse with a donkey wearing a hat and eating a carrot.
I'll probably use it once & never again.
Elliott talked me into it... :p

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008


So, things are gooood.
I'm so anxious to move! Ahhh!

My nails are getting long & I'm such a bad texter-backer.
I'm really too into this mmo... I'm such a nerd.

Hmmm. <3